Unitarian Universalist Christians have always been a part of this faith tradition, because Unitarian Universalism has its roots in Protestant Christianity. Although 21st century Unitarian Universalism looks quite different than it did to our historical ancestors, our interest in Scripture and in the person of Jesus has never left this movement.

…those who seek a Christianity that’s creative, vibrant and believable . . .

The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship is an organization of people, most of whom are members of a UU church, who are interested in exploring liberal Christianity within the context of their liberal religious faith. Some UU Christians find that the theological orientation of their home congregation is not receptive to their interest in Christianity, and so they join the UUCF to explore their interest in Christianity through this network of individuals.

Others may not be members of a Unitarian Universalist congregation, but are interested in the programs and fellowship offered by the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship. Still others have formed small groups for worship and Bible study that may, or may not meet in a local UU congregation.

Whatever form your interest takes, the Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship is here to help you deepen your relationship with your Christian faith. Our tag line “freely following Jesus” refers to the fact that we choose, in freedom, to follow the footsteps of one of the world’s greatest teachers—Jesus of Nazareth.

The UU Christians exist all over the world, however, there is no single “UUCF” church. We attempt to live our faith as UU Christians in our home congregations, home groups and other settings. We gather annually at the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly, and at “Revival,” a gathering specific for UU Christians.