You can change the world by keeping alive the free and radical spirit of Jesus in the world, especially in our historic home of Unitarian Universalism and through our UUCF life. Here you can join with us for the first time, renew or upgrade your membership, answer the call to contribute to specific projects and appeals or make special donations.

Are you already a Member of the UUCF? Great! Now is the time to renew your membership. Each and every year, the leadership team of the UUCF reviews the membership rolls and hopes that you will decide that the UUCF is important enough in your life to renew your membership.

The UUCF is a self-supporting and self-sustaining institution. The first and most important reason to stay connected to the UUCF is because we represent a liberal religious Christian presence in the Unitarian Universalist Association. We believe that Unitarian Universalism is broadened and deepened by our active presence and our faithful witness. We represent one of the few organization in the UUA that can claim an authentic theological position, and the only one that can claim a historical tradition that dates back to the beginning of our movement. We bring to one another spiritual support, meaningful worship, intellectual engagement, and serve as a powerful witness for liberal Christianity within our tradition as Unitarian Universalists.

We need your support for our continued presence at General Assembly, publications, and on-line resource and community development. Please make a monthly pledge to the UUCF today.

One Time Donations

Any Amount

Patron Member - $200

Contributing Member - $100.00

Sustaining Member - $75.00

Regular & Renewal Membership - $60.00

Student Membership - $25.00

Monthly Donations

Donation Options